The Bat! 3.80.03 Home/ Professional - Final
ცნობილი საფოსტო კლიენტ პროგრამა.
პროგრამა იცავს თქვენს წერილებს პაროლით, გაძლევთ დახარისხების უნივერსალურ საშუალებებს და რაც მთავარია მუშაობს ჩქარა და ეფექტურად.

თუ ჩამოქაჩვა გადაყწვიტე დააჭირე ბმულს
შესაძლებლობების ჩამონათვალი: *** Features: - Handling large volumes of e-mail - Anti-spam Protection - Efficient Antivirus Protection - Unique MailTicker(TM) - Comprehensive Scheduler - Smart Sorting Office - Handy Message Templates - Quick Templates - Microsoft Exchange Connectivity - Message Parking - Built-In Backup and Restore - Mail Synchronisation - Extended Support of National Codepages - Convenient Message Dispatcher - Fast Address Book - Multilanguage Interface - Submission Forms - Strong Cryptography - Powerful Import Wizard
*** Fast, Built-in Image Viewer The Bat! has built-in image viewer supporting GIF, PNG, BMP, ICO, WMF, EMF and JPEG formats. You don't have to wait until an external image viewer gets loaded.
Changes in The Bat! v3.80: [!] New interface customiser with rich capabilities [*] Folder properties re-design [*] 'Sorting office' re-design [+] Filters: Ignore and read option for Selective download Filters [+] "Load remote messages" command to queue loading of all unread (or selected) messages that were not downloaded from IMAP server at once. [*] Message Editor: AB template is invoked the same once another header field is selected [*] First four search scopes in message finder made persistent [*] The "Display message groups as messages..." option [-] (#0005663) Stop messages search not recognized [-] (#0005742) LDAP Addressbook search could cause AVs [-] (#0004722) Virtual Folders not showing all messages it should [-] (#0004597) Backuping IMAP mails fails.... [-] (#0005751) Message list header has white background when using multiple sort [-] (#0005757) Character set of the message changed in a VF is not saved [-] (#0003157) Addressing a message to event's linked Address Book entries was not possible in a scheduled action of message creation [-] (#0005555) Many duplicates in "Disable opening files" field in Protection section of Preferences dialog [-] (#0005730) "Regexp too long" when opening attachments [-] (#0005724) Scheduler actions for Sending/Receiving mail was not working [-] (#0005793) (Beta) Option to send messages generated with filter actions was ignored [-] (#0005374) roughly-estimated attachment size shown as exact. [-] (#0004054) Errors while importing LDIF go to EXCEPT.LOG and do not cancel the entire process [*] (#0004197) RFC-2231 is now supported for received messages [-] (#0005550) Moving a filter in the filter tree could make another filter selected [-] (#0005769) It was not possible to Use links to address groups in the "Wath&Send files" action [-] (#0005390) Problem with Windows-1258 character set [-] (#0005578) A cosmetic issue in the Account Properties dialogue [-] (#0005782) Cosmetic bug in MicroEd caused text "leftover" when font's character set was changed [-] (#0005769) Watch and Send files action was not sending one file when multiple files were sent separately [-] (#0005817) Wrong button positioning in the Folder Properties dialogue when large fonts were used [-] (#0005820) Sorting Office resize bug [-] (#0005812) commas in pop: and imap: URIs weren't %-coded [-] filename added to EXCEPT.LOG message when failed to create a LDAP#x.ABD file [-] SMTP Auth was reset if account "created" by an existing one. [-] IMAP: remote outbox fixes
TheBat! v3.80.03 Professional edition 10.0 მეგაბაიტი TheBat! v3.80.03 Home edition 5.89 მეგაბაიტი International Pack for Home Edition 4,5 მეგაბაიტი
სიცოცხლის ელექსირი (rapidshare) პაროლი არქივზე: (ნუ ეძებთ პაროლებს სადღაც!!! პაროლი ჩვენი საიტის მისამართია!!!!!!) ბმულზე დაჭერისას გადავდივართ ახალ გვერდზე, ჩავდივართ სულ ქვევით და ვაჭერთ ღილაკს FREE. გადავდივართ ახალ გვერდზე, ვიცდით 20-60 წამი და საიტის ბოლოში ჩნდება წარწერა: No premium-user. Please enter შევიყვანთ ცარიელ ველში გამოჩენილ ფერად სამ, ან ორ სიმბოლოს და ვაჭერთ ღილაკს Start Download ვქაჩავთ მხოლოდ ბროუზერის ძალებით, არანაირი დაუნლოადერები!!!!
სიცოცხლის ელექსირი (megaupload)
ბეჭდვითი ვერსია | 30-04-2006, 13:37:00 |